Something New About Mystery Stories That I Discovered Today
As I've been practising more and more awareness, I have become more and more familiar with the concept of stepping back from a perspective and seeing the perspective itself. Then stepping back from this 'seeing' perspective and seeing that perspective. This is what happens everyday when my mind is going nuts thinking about what this one thinks of me, what happened that day, what will happen today etc. AND I suddenly then detach from the mind and step back. Then I am able to see all those thoughts as going on in mind - I am not thinking them. In mystery stories, I think authors give you lots of perspectives including the top detective's perspective and a favoured perspective. It's not just the events in the story that they use, they use dialogues, they may even use words uttered by a very trustworthy person like a detective to create an opinion in the mind of the reader which makes him take at least SOME things for granted - just like we normally take it for gr...