What to Do About This Jogging Thing

Some days ago, around 9 days ago to be precise, I started jogging in the morning. I have woken up at 6 AM, gotten out and walked a bit and then jogged for a while. I've usually been home by 6:40-6:45 AM.

Now, the first few days, it was just fine. In fact, I was exceptionally happy about doing this the first two days.

Day 3 onwards my mind started getting bored. I changed my jogging path. Instead of jogging in the large park near my house, I jogged along the road for around a kilometer.

Then my mind got bored of that too.

Then I took a different path to the park and jogged in the park again.

Today, I woke up on time but my mind was protesting too much. I gave myself some points (I give myself points daily - why and how is for another day) for doing something my mind did not want me to do - and went out anyway. I took a completely different path - I didn't go to the park at all. Also, I didn't jog, I just walked a bit. Then I came back after 15 minutes and cycled on my exercise bike for 15 more minutes.

Which was fine.

But my question is: Should I say 'OK' to my mind's urge to want more variety and interesting stuff here? Walking is quite fine with me but when I run, my mind is not happy NOT getting distracted.

Now, normally my policy is to give in to my mind selectively - because my mind wants to chill, have fun, not take risks, be lazy etc.  What about this situation?

Here are three options I can spot:

1) Continue jogging in the same park - don't change anything and watch your mind getting frustrated and bored. Watch...till the boredom dissolves.

2) Continue jogging in the same park - don't change anything - in fact jog even more than earlier but listen to some audiobook or podcast episode. 

3) Don't go out, just exercise on the exercise bike and listen to some audio.

What I did notice today was that riding the exercise bike was even more boring for the mind than jogging in the park.

If extra time is getting spent, if I am procrastinating on something, if I just don't want to face a fear or be courageous even thought it is required - then my mind should not be allowed to have a say. It is in the nature of the mind to be lazy and to be extra-comfortable.

In the case of cooking however, listening to an audio or a podcast helps me feel excited about cooking - an otherwise mundane task.

Similarly, in the case of running/jogging/exercising, listening to audio can be helpful in making an otherwise productive and useful activity more interesting - an activity the mind looks forward to.

So, well, let's see: tomorrow I plan to jog in the park while listening to audio. I'll finalize the audio and download it onto my phone in advance.

That's my decision for now.


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